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thoughts, diary and photos of Team MAD

Well, hello there!

So it is slush central here today. It has snowed a lot in the last week, and because temperatures are around 0 to +3 degrees, everything has turned rather wet. Today I wore my canvas slip-ons, probably not the best idea...

There has started a collection of piles of scaffolding pipes over by the large block of flats as the work on all balconies gets underway soon. It says that the work will start in this block on April 24th and will continue to September and the balconies will be out of use while work is going on. It will be a bummer if we can't use the balcony all summer!

Milja is out at her 3rd evening of driving theory lessons. I had a PHP project due in today which I have been doing pretty much nonstop at home over the last few days, and I finished at 2am this morning!

I am supposed to be tidying the flat so I will get back to that. My favourite program, "Myth Busters" is on tonight, can't wait!!

Dan x

Long time no writing

(dan put some photos up when i have posted this)

we have had a great week! james was here from thursday to tuesday and we had so much fun!! :) even though we have been a bit ill here and there and its getting a bit tiering but it hasnt stopped us!
thursday we went to get james from Tampere and had a fun ride home talking about all sorts of funny things that happened on his flight etc. then on friday was i went to school while the boys went around helsinki to all sorts of shops and places. then in the evening me, dan, james and tytti went to lauras house for some mexian food after being sledging in the pitch black and watched some tv and that was all fun !! hehe in the evening when we went to bed we all crammed into my room, tytti slept on some cushions from the sofas but actually it looked quite cosy!! dan was wearing the nighty dress and that made us all laugh ! in the morning we woke up to my 18th BIRTHDAY WOOO!!! :D hehe, laura had got me a chocolate cake and we were all enjoying that in the morning aswel as bacon and all sorts of things. then they gave me some presents :) . in the evening we went grandys house where all my relatives came to have some tea etc. then we went to eatz to have some food.. we were there for 4 hours!!!! all sorts of fiascos happened like a fly in Maarits food and free champaign and then cake and everything! it was all very fun. then we carried on to some club called ooppera, and that turned out to be really fun! me and dad played blackjack (only with little moneys) for a little bit, but then after dad had lost 10 euros and i had won 5 euros we decided to call it quits. then we just went to dans house, played some african star and then went to sleep!! on sunday laura was desperate to go out because it was lovely wether so we took james SKIIING!!!!!!!!! it was his first time and i can tell you this : i have not laughed so much in AGES!!!! it was hillarious, but then by the end he did start to get the hang of it. and most importantly : he loved it!!! :D hehe good ol james. anyway, then on monday i went to school and dan did too for a little while. then after school we met nea and had some fun. we ended up going to some bar in espoon keskus, nea drove us :) but it turned out there was no one there but us pretty much!! do we just danced the night away, requesting every song hehe.. that i think made it even more fun - we could control the music and everything! :)
so yes, on tuesday james just packed and then we headed off to take him back.
yesterday i did loads of sociology work as today the whole project was due. but now we have it done - 9 pages!!!! pretty good i thought. we also made lots more invites, but still not enough! was quite stressing as dan has got a sore throat now and was suffering a bit.. but i think it is better now a bit. :)

(dan, remember those photos! :))


too much stress.

The big melt

The sun is really getting stronger, the snow is melting, and there are small streams down roads. There is still snow everywhere, but if there are no clouds for the next few weeks, it will disappear very quickly. Everyone seems a bit more jolly with the sunshine!

I got 103- out of 111 in my Finnish exam, which is a 5. I also got a 4 overall in Intro to Media Tech after I resat one of the exams in February (up from a 3).

Marit is over right now and we are discussing wedding plans.

Back to the norm

It's Sunday night and it's time to get into the normal swing of things. We have come back from our holiday, Milja has been ill, gone to hospital and recovered and I have had my 3rd exam week.

Tomorrow both Milja and I are at school for the first time for nearly a month. I have quite a 'relaxed' schedule, with 2 9am and 2 12pm starts and no lectures on Fridays. A nice way to fade out the school year in the next 7 weeks.

We went skiing with Raija at Messilä near Lahti yesterday. It was really fun, they were the longest runs I have ever skiid! :) We got there after 5pm so we managed to buy the cheaper evening ticket which was good.

This evening I am working into the night trying to complete the website so we can test and get reviews, and then write a test report before Thursday. Best get on.

Much more cheery

I went to visit Milja in hospital this evening at 6 for a few hours. She was much brighter than she's been for about a week. It was lovely to her smile. I think the drip has helped give her some energy and was quite lively, although still in bed. After Raija, Mirka and I had all been to visit she had quite a collection of sudoku books, magazines and small things to nibble on. Mirka came for about an hour, he and Milja talked all that time. Milja was laughing, the first time I'd seen her look properly happy for a while. A sure sign she is getting better.

She is in the hospital again tonight, but I'm sure she'll be home before tomorrow night. Even though, I'm not sure she will go to school this week, and if so she will have missed 2 whole weeks out of her 4th 5-week term.

Champions League has just come on the tv, but I have physics to revise for my last exam tomorrow, so I'd better get on with that instead! :(

To the Hospital

Milja went to Jorvi hospital last night at 9pm. She stayed in a bed in the ward downstairs for about 3 hours as doctors and nurses came and went, taking test and giving her food and a drip. She stayed overnight although Raija and I left at about 1pm when Milja was transfered to a better ward upstairs.

This morning she has a phone number so I can call, but I can't go and see her until at least after my exam, and I also have to clean today. Raija is going in now to see her and to take her some Sudoku!

I have a php exam at 12, so I'm off to get ready.

more illness

Milja here... so i got up finally from bed.. well enough to say that : now i have an eye infection on top of all !!!!!!!!!!


milja x


Milja and I have been quite ill for about a week now. Milja has been much worse than me. In the last few days, she has had white patches on her inflamed tonsils, and she has found it hard to swallow and talk. Yesterday she just stayed in bed watching Friends.

Well, half the bag came

The bag came about 5ish. It was badly damaged and someone had been into the bag and rummiged around. I think so that they could determine the bag was ours, after I told them what was in it.

One of the handles has completely disappeared, which was the only place there could have been a name tag (we're not sure if there was one in the first place though). The bag doesnt stand up properly anymore, and the wheels are off. And it isnt even our bag! Luckily everything is OK, apart from a few scratches on a mug I bought and the arms on the clock we bought bent down to the clock face.

We are both still ill, Milja much worse. We're risking going to Laura's to see Milja's dad, as we don't want to pass it onto the triplets!

They have our bag!

I got a call about 3 hours ago now from Finnair saying they finally found our bag. It was lost in Heathrow I think at our stop-over on Wednesday. The lady said the delivery would start at 2, but there had been no sign of the bag as of yet....

Boy will we be glad to have it back.

Exchange to SA

After my short lecture this morning (last one of period 3 and before exams next week), I went to speak to Erkki Aalto, the Program Manager of the Media Engineering course. I told him the situation, about how I would like to go to South Africa for a year to study, and he said he would start the ball rolling his end. I have to e-mail him with all the details, I think so he can show other people at EVTEK.

Looks promising, although it looks like it will be harder to get into the uni in SA, rather than leave EVTEK for a year.

Cold again!

So we're back in Finland after a warm stay in Cape Town with Minna and co.

Everything was visible as we flew over Finland towards Helsinki, the sun was shining. It was lovely to see snow and the green of forests. The trip back was fine, we slept for about 7 of the 11.30 between Cape Town and London which made it go much quicker. of the trip

There are photos up at Flickr of the trip. I'll add more and more each day, there are over 240 to put up!

Just downloaded the 'Performancing' Firefox Add-on which allows blogging in Firefox reather than having to visit a website. It's great! There are also other extensions like music player controls, but this blogging one is probably the best one I think! You can even browse while you have this window up over top. There are also things called Extensions, which are small extra things you can add to Firefox to up performance. Hehe anyway, enough of the tech talk! Firefox is great :)

Must get on with this website for John (well, actually for my course). Here's a link.